31 Dec 2006

A Post to End/Start the Year

29/12/2006 early morning.
Last night I couldn't sleep.

Painting by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio XVIth century.

Animals were screaming being slaughtered and people in the street were fighting to get a piece of meat. They killed animals all night until dawn than the mosques started praying shouting for hours.I never liked the images of killing.
I felt like they are going to execute Saddam Hussein from some bits and pieces of news on TV.
I remembered years ago when I told a friend that Saddam was a dictator, Mohsein was coming back from Iraq (with a group of artists and film makers) to support the Iraqi people during the American embargo on Iraq, he replied, with that glow in his eyes, that Iraqis do like Saddam Hussein very much and he is considered as a great leader in his country. It took me years to understand the charismatic Saddam Hussein .
Throughout the years I would question every Iraqi I meet about Saddam Hussein and I got very diverse point of views. Some accused him of torturing their family. Some others used his existence to get political asylum in Europe and America the same way some many Copts claimed religious asylum in the west since Gamal Abdel Nasser times. A process that I understood afterwards defined as brain drain.
I cannot remember a single Iraqi talking good about Saddam except some interviewed on TV living in Iraq and willing to starve and suffer for continuing living in Iraq! May be I did not meet his supporters because I never had the chance to know Iraq during Saddam regime.
I guess it must have been like in Cuba were you will only benefit the generosity of the administration only if they frame you and know that you will support their cause.
It is legitimate if the system and its institutions are weak and leaking.
To get back to the point, I do believe today that the Iraqi leader was not what the media portrayed of him. {{Like I do believe I have to know Cuba before the death of Fidel Castro}}
Today, I do not trust the so-called modern democratic regimes as people choose between the bad and the ugly. And, republics being inherited. Administrators in a way or another are replacing leaders.
Peacefully or aggressively.
These thoughts take me back to 1990 when I was enrolled as an Egyptian reserve officer.
My division had to go and liberate Kuwait from the so called Iraqi occupation. (Aren't we actually occupied ?!) Different reasons were given for Egyptians to kill Iraqis and get killed by friendly American fire. Reason 1: to protect the holly land of the Mecca (Saudi Arabia).
Reason 2: the Americans were paying good money # 150 $/day for the officer and 50$/day for the soldier. (These reasons were not good enough for me and, I would like to remaining silent as anything I might say can and will be taken against me in a court of f****n emergency and military law. So much to say regarding the subject!).
The reason that Saddam was a dictator was not the issue, as we knew that Saddam was not different than the rest of Arab leaders (see non-Arabs too) and that he was promised Kuwait as a re compensation for his long war against Iran. Iraq needed a port to export its oil . I do not need to mention that if Iraq has succeeded to benefit from its resources the Saddam strategy was to have the ability to be a strong nation, gather all other Arabs around him and, get rid of the Israeli occupation. I personally think he would have been able to do it but this remains fiction.
Egypt since the Camp David peace treaty could not play the same fighter role, it replaced fighting ability by huge bank accounts making its government rich and its people depending on US aids. The result of which is the today's corrupt system and strong Muslim brotherhood organisms holding the civil society by its balls. A cohabitation with the devil.
Today, I have seen a strong Iraqi leader walking on his feet to be hanged and an Egyptian president leaning on the wall during the Eid pray.
A courageous man that, gave his life to death as a great warrior and, lived fighting for a cause. A leader representing a nation dream of getting rid of that spine called Israel implanted in its heart.
On the other hand an Egyptian president that did not even comment on the death of his Iraqi colegue but only said that it will escalate violence. A president that says the first thing he does when he wakes up is watch the news on CNN and BBC before having his cabinet meeting. A president that watches the news like you and me and doesn't contribute in it.
Egypt # Life can go on as long as life is still possible!
Only the ones dying do give their lives, see Palestinians .
Today the execution of Saddam Hussein is the execution of the last Arab symbol of dignity.
We can still apply for a green card lottery here if you live in Egypt, you may win if you have the required level of education and proper bank account! Than you will grow up, have bacon and eggs for breakfast, join the army here, they seem to have nice helicopters, come back for a road map killing your brothers and sisters, if they are still alive and, if you are still able to recognize them.
If you see your enemy, you are already dead. But, Saddam Hussein when he saw Donald, he did not at that time know that the enemy has amnesia, with well known organic or functional causes . He had others in mind in his power struggle like the case of Mubarak accusing Iran for being behind terrorism in Egypt.

I believe that Saddam is more important than Yasser Arafat. Saddam is comparable to Gamal Abdel Nasser. Saddam will probably remain as the last symbol of a moderate Islamic Arab resistance. And, we can fall in extremism! My heart did not stop aching for two days.
I do not believe in God, otherwise I would have wished Blessing of his soul.
But I do believe in immortality, and I think he will remain immortal in every human soul.
As for the American administration, thanks but no thanks for making my New Year's Eve, Eid and Hanukkah.
01/01/2007 Late night

21 Dec 2006

Tamam Ya Fandem El Sakafat

Visiting the Xth Cairo International Biennial ...
In a place called "Kasr El Founoun" that, is not really a place to exhibit contemporary art but more likely the house of some rich gulf war oil dealer or Goha's house.
The Spanish pavilion as usual is well shown and the American one smells death after chaos.
A political discourse resembling the manifesta in the sense of colonial point of views infiltrating the official institutions.

It's really so cool dealing with political issues nowadays in art says POKA-YIO. But,The real tragedy is that in a project supposedly based on dialogue, interconnectedness, and exchange, nobody in the end is willing to listen to anybody else, says AUGUSTINE ZENAKOS about manifesta6.
While point of views over important real issues are being exhibited can hopefully, actively, affect people’s consciousness
we do remain talking about micro-level effectiveness.
In general the gray colour is Cairo predominance, authorities trying to hold multiple sticks, all from the middle
, taking no position except "tamam ya fandem el sakafat meya meya tamam" reflecting a police state institution and a government that takes part for control with no clear ideology except survival and continuity.
You can always look for a map or guide to visit the event, you will always find
instead a bunch of ministry employees, all art school graduates, trying explain to you that if you do not get it, it is because you don't speak the local language.
Too bad they were fed art from bad copies and not from true sources.
In general it is absolutely impossible to function in Egyptian governmental structures and remain having a personal logical discourse and point of view*.
We have a role to play, even if
we don't like it!
roles available here are the under-developed or developing, pick and choose. (not to mention the regressivist role)
This is the soul of democracy in a society ruled by
honor rather than by law. Or may be this is the soul of a broken down society ruled neither by honor nor by law.
Where else democracy will have proper funerals except in the
great cemeteries, land of Egypt ?!

12 Dec 2006

The Year about to end.

This one is last year; I think images that most striked are of Iraq burning and mosques on fire.
This book is made of (fifty) (Khamassin)... click the image to see Image hosted by Webshots.com the rest of the albums at webshot.

In this one I am trying to see how real paper appear on a slide.com
These are not pages from my diary book ... These are all the pages of this 01/01-09/02/2005 (17X14cm)paper support.

I don't know if this is of any importance to anyone ... I will better look at it as if it was a letter to a known-unknown who may be, for example, wants to solve a puzzle of ideas that are may not clearly unclear. Obviously unobvious ... enjoy the ride.

7 Dec 2006

Maniaka the Way Forward

Robot jokeys camel racing to find the way forward.

While Shrimps are flying KLM from the Gulf to Cairo.
Very competitive price with the Gomhoreya shrimps.
Seas and Oceons.


4 Dec 2006

My e-book 2005 Vs. 2006

All our representatives are assisting other callers at this time. Your call is very important to us … blab la bla … may be next week I-Eye will have a DSL inch Allah.

Let's talk about art baby, let's talk about you and me ...

Idea is to art what a thought is to act.
Artists are not always thinkers.
The process of artistic creation is a procedure by which the object used as subject is put in a dimension.
This can be done as in applied art as an exercise.
It is sometimes easier to work if you can see your objects from many points of view… The default is a single perspective view. (copy-paste)
Knowledge and Freedom.
Architecture and digital environment.
Time is the fourth dimension in image animation.
The fifth dimension of the animated image is the message, not to say the meaning.
The message is significant if it adds to meaning a dimension, not previously proposed. Satisfaction in creation is a personal achievement in the domain of the idea.
(I-Eye) D A # idea # an ID # an idea # I di A # IDA.

2 Dec 2006


A kind of heart hysterical heart attack , chest pain, home falling down, on the way to the kitchen.
I don't know who can help: the servant or the wife.
The wife, my wife was the first to reach me.
Called her lover for help.
I am STILL on the floor, HE is a handsome man.
They were loving while I was in pain.
They were talking about his stories that, seemed to worry him, while I was feeling my face, chest and left arm numb and I was dying.
He had blue tears in his eyes.
Beautiful blue tears were falling leaving a beautiful mark on his cheeks.

I know where I have seen this before, Billal .
I wish I can draw the stair case of that house.
I know where I have seen this staircase, Esher.

Beautiful psycho-analyst staircase.
The first two floors had two steps.
One on the right and, one on the left hand side.
The two sides will join into a common corridor, and the next two floor staircases were joining to give rise to two other stair cases but both in front. I know were I have seen this building before, downtown Cairo.
An old woman was trying to beat the head of a younger prettier with an object.
I ran the stairs down and tried to hold the object.
And, a discussion started.
I know now that I might be doing a mistake thinking that "I" am special.
I know now that I might be doing a mistake thinking that "I" am not special.
Some dreams are clearer than others.

Addressing the people the president of the world this year made a very sharp announcement.
He said We have the Responsibility to Lead the World.
When I use the reference of the Power I become the Power.
I do not want to use such a stupid point of vu as when I think of myself I think of myself and not.
There is no such a thing called president of the world.
The World is no specific one responsibility as power is a non-materialistic value.
When we think of the power of nature.
Is nature the power or do we have different powers.
Art is Power.
Literature is Power.
The cell is Power.
Life is Power.
Death is tremendous power sometimes, manytimes, may be.
The power of giving onself to death for a reason.
The bull fighting for his life till the last drop of his soul doesn't die but lives beyond death in the blood of the bull fighting lovers. When I entered the door of myself (I-Eye) . decided to see and take no position with any body because of any pre-judged idea about the person or the idea.
As I-Eye do think of myself as myself and not in order to have every bodies point of vu.
I think that this door is too wide.
It is only from others point of vu that one can understand a point of vu.
No one thing can explain everything. Yet, everything can explain something, she said.

1 Dec 2006



By counting the number of washed underwear you can know how happy is the couple living in the house.
Exhibiting her husband underwear is also to show the neighbours how good is her husband.
Can't control it!
Social Language.

The Place: Alexandria of Egypt.
Daily Installation X5/24/7

30 Nov 2006


As a tourist home.
Alexandria 2006 winter.
Here is the VIDEO.

Like a Tourist Home.
A Tourist in a City.
... HOME ...

In order to Cooperate we have to collaborate +++
Feeling credible.

Come on white man …
Look east …
Go south …
Civilization the Man not the Game.
Do I need the other to see myself, I self.
Like all great initiatives.
This is a introverted identity crisis.
NO multimedia attached.
NO image.

15 Nov 2006

Marseille Last Year

About HIV

14 Nov 2006

SALIBA ... is Dead

Dear All,

I have a bad news for you; M. Francois Saliba passed away 2 days ago, today is the funeral at 15:00 at "Sacre Coeur" church.


François Saliba, was a teacher that I believe had something of an artist.
He wanted to be close to students as if he wished to be one of them.
He later was teaching at the girl's school on the other side of the tramway line. Fell in love with one of his students and married her.
Tens of years later I met him in the street of the market in Cleopatra and told me that he divorced a long time ago.
François Saliba was a bit eccentric and I remember his sadist behavior the day he, acted like have discovered a matchbox in the drawer of Mokhtar.
Matches meant that Mokhtar could be a smoker?
Had Pyromania, Set fire in an unknown secret village?
That day I may never forget.
( The place Alexandria of Egypt. Mid seventies. College St. Marc )

He started hitting the guy on his face after he took away his eye - glasses …
I started counting how many times he hit him when I realized that François would go far and I counted some 3456789… may be a hundred time .
Poor Mokhtar was shaking, his body was trembling while his face was red like a tomato.
I could expect blood to come out of any part of his face.
I think François was having an erection while beating the poor Mokhtar.
When Mokhtar ear started bleeding, François gave him permission to go wash his face. But, Mokhtar never returned to class.
It was a terrible experience to live and I think that the story had another side that was not revealed as Mokhtar was kicked out of school and we have never seen him in class again.
Well, I don't wish blessing of soul, because simply I don't believe in it.
I do wish that Mokhtar could forget this horrible experience because I didn't.

10 Oct 2006

Wings to fly over life.

(Vincent to Theo Van Gogh)... Wings to fly over life.

I don’t need God.
Defensive and provocative as it might seem.
We don’t need it!
If you do need … don’t play with Gods. X
do need a God … I-Eye will not need to play the God. X
don't need a God … I-Eye will not need to play the God. X
don't need a God … I-Eye will need to play the God. X
(none of the above). X



might be seriously not serious.
Don’t envy
, Just wish.
The I, Eye.
I dent ET.
ET go home.

ET is home now.
It was 22 years ago.
22 years ago I was 22 years old.

Did you convince me we are living in one world?
Did you convince me we are having the same future?
Did you convince me of how serious are the future challenges that we will all have to face together?
I am totally convinced that human achievements cannot be related to a specific race or nation.
I know how to see Elmundo.
I-Eye know how 2 C elmundo.com and el mundo.es
Traces of One's Existence.
It is sometimes when, completely lost that, a seed gives a tree.
Might be the miracle of life that comes from a cell and turns into ashes !

5 Jun 2006

Abstraction and Figuration

It is obvious that, when it comes to abstraction and figuration of ideas, figurative figuration leads to abstraction. As it remains superficial. This is not taking abstraction as insignificant, may be the opposite.
A good abstraction is figuration … It turns into insignificance only when it expresses an insignificant point of view.

And, the president is kissing the football players.

Artists are kissing the curator ass.

And, the may be Egyptian Nile TV is reading the news in Hebrew.

People see themselves as the center of the universe and judge everything as it relates to them.
Might be a new, unreleased disease.
It is sometimes when, completely lost that, the seed gives a tree.
Might be the miracle of life that comes from a cell.
I can read over and over again what I wrote before …
I can understand only a scratch of the idea I want to say …
How are we going to correct the mistakes we have done?
Is life a way to reconciliation with ones self?
I am worried about, the kind of bullshit one can say if he tries to talk about a self that, he is only able to understand a scratch.
What can we do except searching in us and seing what it brings?
It might be bringing only shit that take us to our own death, disintegration, illumination and, vanish.
A kind of self-destruction.
Let's get over it!!!
Between sex and politics.

You have been turning your back on me for quiet sometimes now.
I don't know the exact reason for the phenomena of not being able to talk to the ones alive and, decide to live with the dead.
Dead in books.
Dead in fiction.
Dead in reality.
A man lives with his dead mother.
She becomes a myth for a nation.
The man did not know his mother.
Had to invent her.

Cut and paste.
Draw the October War
I had to draw a war.
I was 11 year old.
Wars … don't come easy to me.
Words … don't come easy to me.
A word makes me come.
A word makes me go.

Democracy … Election.
The minister: If we had no freedom and democracy, we wouldn't have been in this situation to have to kill you.
Democracy, Verus Israel or, truly elected people.
Remember: ...

Mohsein zayed# Democrateya eh? … balach kalam fadi.
No democracy comes this way.
Nancy Agram# Mafich 7aga tigi keda.
Leonard Cohen# Democracy is coming to the USA.
What if Bush wins the elections?
Why should the US elections be a global issue?
Do they expect to sell more TVs in China?



(not a single white hair)

They had an HIV test and they lived happily ever after.

GOD$ 4 Sale.

2 Jun 2006


When I do think of myself .
I think of myself as myself and not.
“To be an I,
a self, is to have the capacity for reflexive self-reference”.
Seeing a flushed red face.* I might wonder whether the face I see is mine or my identical twin's.
I may say: Someone is embarrassed, but is it me?"
I am a thinking intelligent Being, that has reason and reflection, and considers itself as itself,
the same thinking thing in different times and places.
Nobody's point of view can possibly be my own point of view. Yet my point of view is everybody'’s point of Wondering lifetimes of magdoh@yahoo.com

A woman draws the shadow of her lover on the wall,
She looks at the shadow and sees the lover.
She knows his absence and yet, she lives what she knows as, his presence.
The lines of the shadow morph and react. Lines and traces of the beloved take over him, or take over that moment of their existence.

Time is the hidden common factor.
She lives only the trace of his and, her existence.
Left over the wall as the only trace.
When I-Eye look at it.
Are we alive or we are just traces of existed lives?
And of course life takes over.
A hot bath and, a look into your eye .

A look into your I.

A Point to view.